A downloadable game


Game - Endless Knot

Team - Fire Rated Roller Shutter

College - Norwich City College

Made in 5 days


This simple to understand; hard to master top down puzzler with rogue-like elements will test your thinking skills with a variety of box pushing and clone controlling problems to solve. Remember, your actions have consequences. if you wish to take things easy then you may struggle against your final trial. However, those who triumph over hardship shall be rewarded in the end. Furthermore the path with the greatest rewards on the surface may not always be the best.


We have decided to make a game where you are affected by your past actions. We did this by having the realms (levels) give you different benefits or drawbacks depending on how much you decide to challenge yourself, which may cause you to have an easier or harder time later on. Additionally, many realms play around the theme of cause and effect; reflected in the mechanics within the realms themselves.


Left Click - Select menu buttons

WASD or Arrow Keys - Movement

R - Reset level

SPACE - Wait a turn

Extra Info:

We heavily recommend reading through the in-game manual before playing, but it is up to you.

If you are struggling with the game mechanics and realms, then there is a tutorial video on this page for you to watch.

To win you need 3000 karma (points).

Exiting to menu will end your run.

On the final realm you will be rewarded with a time bonus depending on how fast you beat it.

If you are looking for a far harder challenge and to break the cycle you can access "Nightmare Mode". This mode is only for those who have mastered some of the hardest puzzles this game has to offer and are willing to fight against unfair conditions. You can learn how to access this trial by reaching the win screen.


Programming - e7barrett

Art - Rainewater111, laylasaunders07

Concept & Design - e7barrett, Rainwater111, laylasaunders07

Music and SFX - lenova07

Level Design - e7barrett, Rainewater111, laylasaunders07, lenova07

Backgrounds - Rainewater111

Unfortunately, due to issues with converting the code into an .EXE file on college computers we were not able to have the sound effects and music created for the game be in the submitted version, but we will shortly be updating the itch.io page with the intended release.

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Do NOT read further if you wish to find the access to Nightmare Mode yourself. If you are struggling to beat the game but wish to try out Nightmare Mode anyway, then this is for you:





















"... For those who seek a greater challenge yet, and wish to fully break the cycle, return to before reincarnation and seek the southwestern point of the eight-fold path three from the right and two down from the top."

----- !SPOILER TAG!-----


game-jam-2024-main (1).zip 15 MB

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